
I don't want a boyfriend


quoted from joline's song.


Don't be mistaken.I don't really like that song, it's just very catchy.The melody got stuck in my head.

Am so random.haha!

Senior year shall commence on next mon.

Time table is out.Have 3 days that end at 6.That's bad.Coz momi prob won't drive me home=(

Must put more money aside for transportation fee.

How fast ya?

Am stepping into my last year of poly just in a few days time.

Happy Senior Year to all;)

Something really random here.

Well,everyone has their own path to take.
You might envy what others have and they might envy of what you have.
Are you happy of what you have or are you sad that you don;t have what others have?
It's just a matter of how you put things and how you think,isn't it?
So,it's a choice of your own.
To be contented or discontented about your life.

Guess wat's my choice?


Enjoy e last few days,all!
Will cya ard in school!

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