my purplishy dress^^n my bro...
we left Singapore in the late evening on e second day of CNY~~~
okie dokie~~let e peeks tell u wat happen=D(there's only 1/4 of e photos!it took me super long to upload)
By e time we reached is already night time. they welcomed us with~~~
hehe.popo was tired~~~
On e next day, our very first stop~~~~

my SPASTIC father!!!!

lunching beside a volcano?!?(UBU)

my SPASTIC father!!!!
LOOK at this!RICE FIELD usinig terracing method lah!!!COOL right?i only saw this in my sec geography txtbk.
lunching beside a volcano?!?(UBU)
the weather up there is very wooling n windy~~~like genting's weather?yeppie yep!air is much more fresher~~~*BALI's air is really pretty polluted=(
popo n pei yi~~~
only 5 of us went for the trip.
Almost everywhere u go there will be lil kiddies n adults trying to push and sell u their hand-crafted products or fruits~~~sometimes we really wish to help them but how much can we buy from them....hearctache~~~
SHOPPING SHOPPING!!!BALI's stuffs are FREAKING cheap!!!One thing tt u must do is *CHOP CHOP CHOP*!!!they will definitely sell you at a super high price coz you're a foreigner.You can buy beautiful slippers at $1 plus for one pair.FREAKING CHEAP right???WOOHOO~~~

got tired n we had a lil rest at this cafe, "Rendezvousdoux".Affliates remeber?wakaka!!!

very famous "DIRTY DUCK MEAL" in ubu!!!yum yum!!!

got tired n we had a lil rest at this cafe, "Rendezvousdoux".Affliates remeber?wakaka!!!
very famous "DIRTY DUCK MEAL" in ubu!!!yum yum!!!
Third day is the BEACHY DAY!!!


how can we just seat here~~~pei yi went to do manicure n "padicure"^^
PERMANENT for two weeks lah~~~gigigi~~~
finally, we saw some roadside stalls~~
how can we miss it man~~~
hand in hand, walk to the end.

*AHEM*below are more beachy peeks of~~~you-know!!!KAKA!!

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