On the last dat at SC, qiu n i bought the Hr-ers tea n coffee.Haha!And i swear we didn't ope to get anything back frm them.but they felt so bad to make the kids to buy them coffee so.....
they bought us~~~
so sweet of them=)Working in SC has always been a happy period.WAHAHA!Sounds familar huh?nice pl to work with!
yep yep yep!
and one of our module for thie sem is HR too!
Very first day of school~
WAHAHAH!Yeah right!Am same class as qiu!Looks like something is holding us tightly n dun wanna see us seperated!HAHA!Thank god!At least there is someone who i' close with in the class.Btw, my new class was pretty okay.Bonds not built strongly though.We hardly see each other coz there isn't tutorial this week!It's okay!i'm sure we will bond tgt better aft this fri!
On mon, we also went to AH QIANG's Choir concert!!!WAHAHAHA!Blog abt this later ya?
Ytd, rmb i said tt i'll be going to e lib to do some research?You noe who i saw there?
Nis!WAAHHAAH!she went there to study.I was abt to go then, so i gave her a very silly laugh n went.WAHAHAHA!yep!i know more abt bakng now n will work hard.FIGHTING!
Guess wat i'm watching now?
I'm watching wolf's temptation again!
My 5th time watching can!LOL!haha.
Aft e movie gotta head for sch=(hmm.i'm all alone today.Coz, qiu n i are in diff CDs class.
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