My bro's collection!He's super proud of it!16 jay chou's album!One more left to make it complete, which is e ep!

Not a chalet.No BBQ.Something different.
Have been visiting coffee club real often can.
Not a chalet.No BBQ.Something different.
Have been visiting coffee club real often can.
haha!i had iced rambutan, e baby pink one.hmm.Taste more like lychee to me though!LOL!HHA!
HAHA!My EX-classmates!(2.1)frm ya left:ken,sean,trina,qiu,me n denn!
OMG!I just realised something!We were all wearing black skinnies yea?haha!COOL!
After a drink at coffee club, we went to arcade to kill time before we headed to e chilling place tt ken had made a reservation.
BANG BANG BANG!!!I played this w dennison n i perspired. Easy game tt requires lots strength!LOL!haha!=D
we challenged daytona too!okie okie!It makes me wonder whether i should really take up driving lessons.LOL!aybe i should think for other people's safety!HAHHA!=D
Finally, e "ulu" chill-out palce,TIMBRE!Know wat!I've been there before!HAHAHA!Jovin jie jie brought us there few yrs ago?I remembered tt they have very delicious pizzas!hmmm...mummum!
Well, we still somehow managed to order cocktails!soon soon!Am gonna be legalized, few more weeks to go!
E "yin yang" pizza!Man!I really love thier pizzas!One is not enough,definitely!
Woah......I love thier thin crust n ofcoz every other ting on top of it!=D
Band of e night!Live band do bring up e atmosphere a lot!I must say that theyare a great band!Intact, co-ordinates well, n e guitarist vocal is duper sexy!Music, she saves my life!
Trish n qiu listening attentively!
HAHAAHAHAHA!!!They have e "Look at me n laugh face!"LOL!
trina n sean!haha!=)"ahem"
Trying to sketch e graffiti on e brick walls of timbre.
ken beating to e rythm.haha!denn totally immersed in his sketching!LOL!
ken's own self-cam pic.
haha!sean looked so cheeky here!
emo-ing them!HAHAHA!
Trina n me=)Engross n the music!
wat my life would be without music?!?i can't imagine.
haha!I looked really happy ya?HAHA!
their (ken n denn) sketch.
Very obvious who suggested to come to airport right?HAHAHAHA!
Since when they can-whoreed without us?gegegegege!=D
My first time walking down e streets at sucha late night.Breezy, peaceful night.
Distance seems shorter, time seems to fly faster.
Any idea how long we spend in mac?we even had breakfast there.
If only we could turn back e time.
faulty see-saw, not going up nor down.
We got to know each other a bit more throughout e night.Wat an enjoyable day!=)
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