
wanqi's going crazy

1. She's watching Boys Over Flowers for the 3rd time.

Watching Hong Jitong at the same time.JunPyo's curl is so different from Jitong's.

2. She hasn't recover from her cold yet. Therefore, can't swim w lily on Sunday (tmr).Gotta postpone it again;(

Momi forbids me to swim.That's for sure.Shouldn't;t have consult the doctor,seems to get worse after that.Esp e cough med,it sucks,totally.The taste is not a problem.It's e drowsiness!!!and my whole body would be as wobbly as a.....jelly fish!!!I hate that most!

hahahaha!!!Okie lah!My fault too!I ate one piece of 60% dark chocolate at popo's house just now.Konnyaku jelly!And a few eclairs that laiwan jiejie bought!!!haha!!!Coz they all taste heavenly good!Couldn't resist e temptation!I'm sure you'll eat them if you were me;)

I want an indoor swimming pool so that i don;t have to worry about the weather;(
I actually envy jandi.I should have join Shniwa High School too.Damn!!!

hahahaha!!!A girl who watches too much drama is like this.

3. She's studying for her BTT.

They are like some alien language to me?!?keep to the left,keep to the right....Oooh!!!Now,instead of sleeping or switching channels in momi;s car,I open my eyes wide and try to recognise the signs.Wish me good luck;)

4.She sucks at games!!!

Seriously,why is it so hard for me to get a 100k in bejeweled?!?
HAHAHAHA!!!LOL!!!I'm always bad at all these games.I can even died at the first stage of bubble breaker can?!?(I played my bro's psp)He looked at me and shook his head.

5.She should be sleeping now,but she's obviously not doing so.

i'm sucha stubborn kid,sometimes.

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