well, this is from the toopid gal!wakka!u'know i didn't mean tt!=D
Rules of the game: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs!
1. I love to eat waffle with tom yam soup.
2. I love chilli. *chilli queen*
3.I smell my scalp.
4.I smell my socks.
5.There's a button in me that i cun control.Once it's switch on, it will only auto off till i'm tired. (tt explains some of my i-dun-know-what-happen-to-her actions)
6.I reject extra weekly allowance from my mother.( coz i believe that one must be independent n money is hard to earn, but i know many ppl find it toopid)
7.I only drink hot vannila steam milk from all cafes(just so love it)
8.I sleep in cars like nobody's business, sometimes in buses n MRT too.
9.I have an imagination boyfriend, YUNHO.
10.I will sleep in my parent's room when i feel insercure or guilty abt something.
So, the next 6 persons are:
1. Joan
2. hong
3. eunice
4. lily
5. wan qiu
6. joeline
m,y dear gals if you have been tagged before on e same game, can just ignore k=)
CASIO gets on my NERVES!
What an exhausted day. reached school at 7 plus for POM's rehersal.It's over!
Met momi for lunch and set off to bugis to send x-lim for repair. Their R&S shop is located at The Gateway, supposedly. I simply got no idea where was it at first. So aft walking for quite sometime, i asked the passer-bys. When I finally found The Gateway, I was pretty proud of myself.hehe!I took e lift up to lvl 4. there is only DHL. thus, I took e lift down to lvl 1 and asked e sercurity guard.
And know WHAT?THEY SHIFTED LAH!I walked and find my way up here and they actually SHIFTED without INFORMING ME!THANKS CASIO!!!
So the very kind sercurity guard actually wrote me the address of it's new location. Casio is now located at Middle street, IOI building. Sercurity guard asked me if i know where is middle street and I said nope. He asked me if i was a Singaporean and obviuosly I said yes. And he was kinda shocked. "You're a singaporean n u dunno where is middle street?"Yes uncle!I'm a Singaporean and I dunno where is Middle Street. wakakaka! Anw, e uncle was very nice^^probably, I'm e one who is too depend on parents sending me ard.
Finally, also aft asking many ppl, i reached Casio R&S. While i was waiting, i saw this cute lil boy boy who kinda brigthen up my day from all those walkings~~~

Doesn't he looks a bit like ADRIENNE?He's ard 3 month plus too^^awww~~cutie boy!
e hell weeks weren't tt bad w them ard^^
Still we somehow did release our stress?^^

Murie's dance her lungs out!kaka!
Met momi for lunch and set off to bugis to send x-lim for repair. Their R&S shop is located at The Gateway, supposedly. I simply got no idea where was it at first. So aft walking for quite sometime, i asked the passer-bys. When I finally found The Gateway, I was pretty proud of myself.hehe!I took e lift up to lvl 4. there is only DHL. thus, I took e lift down to lvl 1 and asked e sercurity guard.
And know WHAT?THEY SHIFTED LAH!I walked and find my way up here and they actually SHIFTED without INFORMING ME!THANKS CASIO!!!
So the very kind sercurity guard actually wrote me the address of it's new location. Casio is now located at Middle street, IOI building. Sercurity guard asked me if i know where is middle street and I said nope. He asked me if i was a Singaporean and obviuosly I said yes. And he was kinda shocked. "You're a singaporean n u dunno where is middle street?"Yes uncle!I'm a Singaporean and I dunno where is Middle Street. wakakaka! Anw, e uncle was very nice^^probably, I'm e one who is too depend on parents sending me ard.
Finally, also aft asking many ppl, i reached Casio R&S. While i was waiting, i saw this cute lil boy boy who kinda brigthen up my day from all those walkings~~~

Doesn't he looks a bit like ADRIENNE?He's ard 3 month plus too^^awww~~cutie boy!
e hell weeks weren't tt bad w them ard^^
Still we somehow did release our stress?^^

Murie's dance her lungs out!kaka!
Super happy!dunno whether will do well, but shld be okoie lah!haha!happy thing was it ended le!^-*
well oh well, aft so much or maybe not very much of hard work, need to eat to regaine energy lost!
Qiu n i went to CHUP-LAO for dinner. CHUP-LAO is the long hawker at circuit road where there are lotsa GOOD food!In our secondary days, we visited tt hawker quite often. Probably tt's one of my fave hawkers in S'pore?It got a very old old feeling, most importantly, the yummilicious food there!
What's e MUST EAT food in long-hawker?
DESSERT(e corner one)
TOM-YAM soup(better than ITAS one lol!)
Dumpling wanton mee(opp. e dessert stall)
Da Chen Duck Rice(closed down le)
BBQ Chicken Wings
BBQ sting ray
Bread(freshly baked bread, 40 cents each, small small one, my hole family LOVE it)
Fish Soup
Pig's organ soup
and ofcoz many many more~~~
On our way to chup-lao, we tried calling e CHUP-LAO-ERs, macphersonians who live at chup-lao. I called nis, niu, WQs and others. In the end, niuniu n nis came who was just nice happen to be at e long-hawker=D
MRS NG-SEAH is now the BAND teacher-in- charge!WAKAKAKA!She so so so CUTE lah!Cun imagine her walking ard in e band room, making announcement and stuffs~~~haha!miss her!She was our maths teacher. MSS is really loosing lots of wonderful teachers(MDM CHAN,MS HAN,MR LIM n etc.) and i think tt we were really fortunate to have them for our batch.awww!
Anw, niuniu thanks for coming down though you're busy w ur work and nis who so qiao to be there^^fate ma!hehe!
Nis. TAKE CARE, babe!consult e doctor when u shld k?=)
We had our lil talk-session while eating. *haiz.forgot to take pics=(*
though it was juz a lil while, it's good enuf for us to reduce e "missing you" we have for each other^-*haha!
Still miss e rest~~~my babes~~~
will be meeting fourAbabes next week to celebrate jas's 18th birthday
meeting BEES on e next next week???
aft CNY, prob meeting fourAbabes for R-day?
next week's reunion dinner w WOMEN 13?
meet them up soon ya?
Super happy!dunno whether will do well, but shld be okoie lah!haha!happy thing was it ended le!^-*
well oh well, aft so much or maybe not very much of hard work, need to eat to regaine energy lost!
Qiu n i went to CHUP-LAO for dinner. CHUP-LAO is the long hawker at circuit road where there are lotsa GOOD food!In our secondary days, we visited tt hawker quite often. Probably tt's one of my fave hawkers in S'pore?It got a very old old feeling, most importantly, the yummilicious food there!
What's e MUST EAT food in long-hawker?
DESSERT(e corner one)
TOM-YAM soup(better than ITAS one lol!)
Dumpling wanton mee(opp. e dessert stall)
Da Chen Duck Rice(closed down le)
BBQ Chicken Wings
BBQ sting ray
Bread(freshly baked bread, 40 cents each, small small one, my hole family LOVE it)
Fish Soup
Pig's organ soup
and ofcoz many many more~~~
On our way to chup-lao, we tried calling e CHUP-LAO-ERs, macphersonians who live at chup-lao. I called nis, niu, WQs and others. In the end, niuniu n nis came who was just nice happen to be at e long-hawker=D
MRS NG-SEAH is now the BAND teacher-in- charge!WAKAKAKA!She so so so CUTE lah!Cun imagine her walking ard in e band room, making announcement and stuffs~~~haha!miss her!She was our maths teacher. MSS is really loosing lots of wonderful teachers(MDM CHAN,MS HAN,MR LIM n etc.) and i think tt we were really fortunate to have them for our batch.awww!
Anw, niuniu thanks for coming down though you're busy w ur work and nis who so qiao to be there^^fate ma!hehe!
Nis. TAKE CARE, babe!consult e doctor when u shld k?=)
We had our lil talk-session while eating. *haiz.forgot to take pics=(*
though it was juz a lil while, it's good enuf for us to reduce e "missing you" we have for each other^-*haha!
Still miss e rest~~~my babes~~~
will be meeting fourAbabes next week to celebrate jas's 18th birthday
meeting BEES on e next next week???
aft CNY, prob meeting fourAbabes for R-day?
next week's reunion dinner w WOMEN 13?
meet them up soon ya?
moody moody~~~
1 project down, 2 still up n additionally jap role play which we'll be meeting up on this coming sat at one.
accounts test tmr=( still got two more chaps to go.
POM done-ed oleadi, left w presentation. Video part settled, slides will be doing on sunday when i meet up w lily at her house.
marketing?hmm.Still need to push a bit more.
aft CNY, two weeks later will be end-of-year exams. boo boo!
did i think too far?hmm.maybe shld settle wat's infront of me first?
okay!I think at this point, should be this way!^-*
Firstly, study for accounts. Tmr, aft test, take a good rest.
Friday and saturday, chiong for my individual part for marketing. In the aftn, meet up w my jap mates to do a final rehersal.
Sunday, meet lily for ourpowerpoint slides and prepare for my presentation on monday.
The rest of the week, chiong for marketing pro!
After, all pros are down, shld be able to fly 1m high.
wooo~~~okie!i'm feeling better now, at least it kind of help me organize mt thoughts.
Can be done1CAN is CAN!^^
1 project down, 2 still up n additionally jap role play which we'll be meeting up on this coming sat at one.
accounts test tmr=( still got two more chaps to go.
POM done-ed oleadi, left w presentation. Video part settled, slides will be doing on sunday when i meet up w lily at her house.
marketing?hmm.Still need to push a bit more.
aft CNY, two weeks later will be end-of-year exams. boo boo!
did i think too far?hmm.maybe shld settle wat's infront of me first?
okay!I think at this point, should be this way!^-*
Firstly, study for accounts. Tmr, aft test, take a good rest.
Friday and saturday, chiong for my individual part for marketing. In the aftn, meet up w my jap mates to do a final rehersal.
Sunday, meet lily for ourpowerpoint slides and prepare for my presentation on monday.
The rest of the week, chiong for marketing pro!
After, all pros are down, shld be able to fly 1m high.
wooo~~~okie!i'm feeling better now, at least it kind of help me organize mt thoughts.
Can be done1CAN is CAN!^^
Friday's gathering was canceled coz angie cun make it. Hence, postponed it to some other day=)
Still, qiu and me decided to shop out! geeze!
We took an xpress bux aft sch n we arrived at FAREAST!
this is a new place tt qiu discovered frm e newspaper. It a japanese restaurant but everything is self-service. when you enter the restaurant, first thing you'll see is this machine!

COOL right?this where you order what you want!Well, there are staffs there to guide you how to use the machine. It gives me a kinda of feeling that i'm in Japan. Coz Japan got lots of cool machines or vendin machines. I love vending machines coz you get to press and choose what you like and it'll drop out frm the machine, this is the COOLEST part!however, this is just a machine where u make your order, the food wouldn't drop frm e machine.^^
Both qiu n i ordered cute bentos which they only pro-juice 20(for each type of cute bentos) for each day.

qiu got the chicky one n i got the lion one^^
Still, qiu and me decided to shop out! geeze!
We took an xpress bux aft sch n we arrived at FAREAST!
this is a new place tt qiu discovered frm e newspaper. It a japanese restaurant but everything is self-service. when you enter the restaurant, first thing you'll see is this machine!

COOL right?this where you order what you want!Well, there are staffs there to guide you how to use the machine. It gives me a kinda of feeling that i'm in Japan. Coz Japan got lots of cool machines or vendin machines. I love vending machines coz you get to press and choose what you like and it'll drop out frm the machine, this is the COOLEST part!however, this is just a machine where u make your order, the food wouldn't drop frm e machine.^^
Both qiu n i ordered cute bentos which they only pro-juice 20(for each type of cute bentos) for each day.

qiu got the chicky one n i got the lion one^^
On the whole, i think the bentos are...so-so.But u see, it's such a cool shop and i'm sure it'll attract lots of yappies. They might be able to attract but prob it'll be a lil diff for them to keep them.Thier food are not tt fantastics, okie-okie!Eventhough, i think i'll still visit them again and try out others^^wakaka!
After diner, we went to SHOP-OUT!wakaka!I'm so guai tt day can!I only spent my money on food, tt's all!I pei-ed qiu to shop for her new year clothes^-^
keep it SHORT n SWEET!
DECIDED n yes!i'm keeping it SHORT and sweet!
As long as i love it, nothing is gonna bother me!
(this photo dun really show my long hair though, just tt it doesn't show too clearly my face!wakaka)
dun have many photos with me in long hair.
I might keep them long in future but now....
just let it be this way.
taggy faulty
WHY?anw, we're meeting fourAbabes this friday!AND!qiu said that all of them can make it!ofcoz, ANGIE too!really long time never c her alrady!tt's so much to ask her^^
i'm having a headache!Should i keep m hair long or short?
ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!Let nature takes it's course!
WHY?anw, we're meeting fourAbabes this friday!AND!qiu said that all of them can make it!ofcoz, ANGIE too!really long time never c her alrady!tt's so much to ask her^^
i'm having a headache!Should i keep m hair long or short?
ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!Let nature takes it's course!
Dangerous Love
A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on the road on a motorcycle...
Girl: Slow down. Im scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl hugs him
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? Its bugging me.
In the paper the next day :( A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only one had survived.The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug him one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
Bikers send your bike for service when u should. What's more important than your life! if u leave this world just like that, the love ones you leave behind are the ones that will heartache!
Girl: Slow down. Im scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl hugs him
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? Its bugging me.
In the paper the next day :( A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only one had survived.The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug him one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
Bikers send your bike for service when u should. What's more important than your life! if u leave this world just like that, the love ones you leave behind are the ones that will heartache!
All these organisers belong to?


Do you actually noe that e visualiser can actually freeze image?or like capture it?
OkIE!now look at this pic below!
Our cutie lil account tutor is standing right beside the screen, no fingers on the visualiser.But guys have a close look at e screen!(not your computer screen, the ohp screen)Did you see the finger there?wakakaka!EERIE right?It's FREAKING COOL lol!i only realised this when some guys in our class asked JOSEPH, our tutor, "Why there got fingers?"I was super FREAK out at first but seriously it's super cool!

Some days back, we went to THE TOP TABLE!
finally!gotta make a reservation one week in advance.oh ya!THE TOP TABLE is something like SUGARLOAF, manage by the same group of people.On main big difference is THE TOP TABLE is fine dinning restaurant!People, if you happen to dine there rmb NO SLEAZY dressing is allow.(*delanie, my spelling is still wrong right?haha)

one set meal cost $12.50 which includes
freshly baked bread---

appetizer-onion soup-i just so love onion soup lol!yum yum!
there are a few choices for the your appetizer and main course^^

ofcoz, i coz my beloved SIRLOIN STEAK^-*
wakakaka!yummilicious!though i ordered medium-rare, mine is more to medium=(
Still, it taste goodie good!

how can we end it w/o desserts!Dessert of the day is tiramisu!

one cup of hot tea goes best with it!=)

$12.50 not expensive right?Their services are good!The managers there are very strict to them and this explain their good service.The managers" service are really of professional standard too!


Do you actually noe that e visualiser can actually freeze image?or like capture it?
OkIE!now look at this pic below!
Our cutie lil account tutor is standing right beside the screen, no fingers on the visualiser.But guys have a close look at e screen!(not your computer screen, the ohp screen)Did you see the finger there?wakakaka!EERIE right?It's FREAKING COOL lol!i only realised this when some guys in our class asked JOSEPH, our tutor, "Why there got fingers?"I was super FREAK out at first but seriously it's super cool!

Some days back, we went to THE TOP TABLE!
finally!gotta make a reservation one week in advance.oh ya!THE TOP TABLE is something like SUGARLOAF, manage by the same group of people.On main big difference is THE TOP TABLE is fine dinning restaurant!People, if you happen to dine there rmb NO SLEAZY dressing is allow.(*delanie, my spelling is still wrong right?haha)

one set meal cost $12.50 which includes
freshly baked bread---

appetizer-onion soup-i just so love onion soup lol!yum yum!
there are a few choices for the your appetizer and main course^^

ofcoz, i coz my beloved SIRLOIN STEAK^-*
wakakaka!yummilicious!though i ordered medium-rare, mine is more to medium=(
Still, it taste goodie good!

how can we end it w/o desserts!Dessert of the day is tiramisu!

one cup of hot tea goes best with it!=)

$12.50 not expensive right?Their services are good!The managers there are very strict to them and this explain their good service.The managers" service are really of professional standard too!
So peeps, do visit THE TOP TABLE or SUGAR LOAF when you're in tp!I'm proud of them!
After the heavy lunch, qiu still bought a tub of BEN n JERRY's ice-cream while we were waiting for momi and we almost finished this one whole tub!SINFUL ah SINFUL!
AHHH!come qiu i feed you!
choc chip cookie dough rawks but---
Wanqi, you really need to slim down.recently, i weighed myself n the weighing machne told me that i really need to work out!From last week onwards, evry saturday morning, i'm gonna swim w niu niu. Hope aft laps n laps of swimming, i'll lose weight to 50kg?hopefully!FIGHTING!
Just finish watching "they kiss again ep 4" which is "er zuo ju er wen"!they are so sweet!Zhi shu told his bro, "I know you don't like dummies, but don't bully my wife!"Awww, how sweet!!!Such a loving couple!
oh ya!today qiu told me LEE DONG GUN n his girlfriend broke up!OMG!tt's sad!His girlfriend is e one tt acted in my "My B-type Boyfriend" n "e 18yr old bride drama"Shockin right?everbody thought tt they will get married.People might think why they broke up. Sometimes, we don't know what happen, why it happen unless we are in their shoes.Even though you know what happen n how it happen, you might not know how it feels entirely.Still, kinda of feel sad for them!coz LEE DONG GUN so SUAI n her girlfriend is so cute n natural!Awww!
Need to get things done now. HATE to be tied up by projects!get it over n done!^^
the second to turn 18 in fourAbabes!
call me PRINCESS!
wat's on joan's head?haha!one of her pressies!can she be e nxt johnny depp?haha!
joan depp-POTC 4

wakakaka!we celebrated her big day 2 days before e actual day at Changi Airport's SWENSEN!
While waiting for niu, two guys approach us to do some charity.And i recognised this guy frm my friend's company, i asked him n he denied but actually he is!wakaka!(didn't mention my friend's name n company coz the guys are not suppose to go to e airport so was afraid tt it might bring trouble to e company)SEE!I remember his face!understand e reasons why he denied.
we acted we dun understand them n tried to tok like jap but in e end we burst into laughters.Nxt time, must train not to laugh.wakaka!
Anw, we dined at swenswen's!yummy yummy!food was great as usual!
jojo n her ice-cream cake^^

wanted to put sparklers on it to replace e candles.sadly, we were at airport , e ,manager does not allow=(how beautiful it willbe w 18 sparklers on a cake.or may be e cake will catch fire?wakaka!

hope to get all fourAbabes tgt soon!

poor birthday gal!jojo always kena a dare for her birthday n only for HER birthday!e rest dun get it!wakaka!this time was to ask 18 guys whether they are jamie from brenderhoon.though mission failed but she got a hard time still coz it was really very pai seh.^^

hot sexy pressie frm qiu proudly present to you on jojo's head!wakaka!SEXY her!


just like what joan had wished for her birthday, hope all of us stay happy n lovely=)muackz!
today in sch w no lily ard^^noe why she's not ard?SHHHHH!
bubblly us!!!
bubble gum makes me think of misa misa in suicide notes!qiu rmb?what e guy did to her with e bubble gum in his mouth?wakaka!
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