Qiuu received a call from hoe yima(her momi) and there she was!haha!
Yep!It is e very famous one at the CENTRAL!=)Very traditionalramen!Soup base was very ichiban!shall post less pics on food, esp those tt i had post before ya!=)
Oh ya!And the lady boss actually told us tt by adding lil bit of lemon to the soup will actually enhance the tase!And yesh it really did!More refreshing!
What does it makes you think of?
it makes me think of the Mexican mouse!that one that goes "under neigh. under neigh"=D
GOBI desserts next!
Their macaroons are really good!yumm yumm!Pretty desserts, aren't they?haha!
(ps*kakaka! we only paid for this and tt's all, and was shared amg the 3 of us!haha!)
In between, we did shopped a lil. Qiuu was looking for her working pants. Hope everything goes well, a job that she likes, get her first pay and hahahha!you know!
Anw, before tt she's going oversea w her family.aww~~~~me too, want to fly!!!
We had BALLS!Hot one!Known as HOT BALLS!kaka!W ice-cream of ya choice!
they have,
green tea...(oh ya!e high-tea set come w a drink.Hoe yima seriously love the cup.haha!And she asked how much is the cup. They told her tt they dun sell them! She said she'll take them home then!WAKAKAAKA!Ofcoz, she didn't!The husband has the same hobby too!shhh!!!!)
And the set cost....
cun rmb!
THANK YOU,hoe yima!haha!did you regret joining us?
haha!I bet she did!but she enjoys doing it!See, she's so happy!
She will be bringing us out for lunch nxt tues too!This time w popo=)
All thanks to her, we only spend $4 each tt day=)Thank you!haha!
See you nxt tues!=)
On my way home to popo's house, a right turn and i saw this, it caught my eyes.O-O
First thing that comes to my mind was, my EXLIM!!!
Camera is use to capture down beautiful moments!
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