Tuesday no school for LIM AH QI!!!!!
TMC shifted our APEL lesson to monday, one hr aft HR=)
Therefore, qiu suddenly decided tt we could go to HAJI lane.
While waiting for TMC to start e lesson we...
HI KEN!you can brush our hair n touch us everywhere~~~~WAKAKAKA!LOL!
and rosanne joined in^^
follow by minye...
will have more girls nxt time yeah?haha!
returned home for a bathe before meeting qiu^^
and she called n requested "heals" day!haha!lol!
flats are really much more comfortable!heels are worn only when it's requested!kaakka!=)
Bus 63 brought us to.....
HAJI lane!couldn't find Haji's signboard so took Bali one to make up.anw. peeps!my first time to Haji n bali Lanes!
These two lanes actually have lots of interesting boutique shops. Personally, i think the clothes there are pretty unique and you can actually find lots of vintage stuffs. And, they have lots of small small cute cute stuffs. Something different and i guess that's why e stuffs there are lil more pricey than those at bujis. Evenso, i think that are still consider reasonable for something unique and they dun produce alot of the same kind. Another thing is that is not crowded at all. You can spend a peacful shopping trip with ya girlfriends there=)
If you're tired, you can have a good rest at this jap curry restaurant=)
qiu n i went to try e jap curry!Hmm.GOOD!curry won't make you feel very gelate and e chicken is very tender and succulent!a llil bit pricey too. it cost ard 15 bucks for one set meal.Hahaha!but can eat it once in a while lah^^
sorry peeps!they dun allow photo-taking inside, so cun show you how it looks like!It's okie then!
Along e street. we saw this two hot chics kissing...
haiz.nowadays, youngsters are getting out of hand.LOL!
had a drink at THE CUPPAS CUPPA!
the heels are definitely killing me...aww.my ugly legs!
qiu's cocoa sunrise!
and my mango yogurt drink!
Aft a good rest at TCC, we shopped at bujis street!
By the end of e day, i bought home nothing. haha!save $$$!many events are coming up!
mothers' day. wanqiu's b'dae celebration. sinni jiejie's b'dae coming up also.
Be practical!$$$ is important though it's not e most important thing.
Cun wait for 15th may!$$$ pls flow in!
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