First class outing was held at Pulau Ubin!
Meeting time was 10.30am but smart me dunno wat happen to my eyes, i reached there at 10.LOL!haha!at least, i had time to buy sun block n trsf money to qiang!^^
We had our lunch at Changi Village!They are famous for their Lasi Lemak n ipoh Hor Fun.
haha!in e end, we ordered prata which taste like rubber n e uncle handled them like some table cloth.LOL!haha.we regreted coz wat they are famous for are really much more tastier.
aft lunch, we headed to e jetty.
Super cool n steady uncle happily collected $2.50(boat fare) from each of us!
the many ROSES~(frm left:me, yanyu, jaslyn n mich)
and e many JACKS~(kenneth, dennison,shafiq,sean,kelvin)
As e wind blow, we saw something flying n it was~~~~
e uncle's brief lah!OMG!
uncle must be feeling very empty n cooling now.HAHAHA!Corny lah!BISH!
Jack if u happen to fall into e sea, ROSES are not going to "You jump, I jump k?"haha!
kenneth thinking of someone far far away~~~~=)???
trina n rest on the other boat=)
kelvin standby to give them a big warm welcome....
realise tt some of them are squating?wahaha!this was e lsat pic aft all e cycling coz e first one cun see e WELCOME sign!
We stopped at every junction or whenever we saw a hut to make sure tt everyone was safe n sound!=)
While waiting for ken(neth) n kel(vin) to cycle all e way back to buy drinks for us~~~!(it was really damn far.Thanks guys!)so while waiting~~~~
frm left: trina, jaslyn, yuyan, n at e back was mary^^
realised tt shafiq injured his leg.Ouucchhh!
trina's plaster couldn't stay on his wound bcoz of his HAIRY legs!mwahahaha!
He then peeled it off n sticked it on my choc chip mole found on my left arm-_-"
SHAFIQ!Damn gross lah!E plaster not only got his blood stain, but also one strand of hair!Arrrggghhhh!gosh!HAHA!
Anw, thank god everyone returned back to s'pore in one whole piece.
So see?I think as long you be more careful n there are people who can be trusted ard, Pulau Ubin is not tt dangerous aft all right?wee!^^
shafiq n xin loon teaching our dear trina how to ride a bike=)
When ken n kel returned we had a grp peek before we c'tinue cycling=)
The ups n downs tt we went thru...finally, we were at the dunno wat Chewawa(where you see e mangroves?you know!)
15 bikes leaned closely to one anth^-^
e very shaky unsteady JEJAWI tower!
it's definitely worthwhile to climb all e way up!Beautiful view up there peeps!e sea, mountain n sun!
how can we not have a grp peek up there!^^
WAHAHAHA!Shafiq n xin loon!
e MANGROVES!u can see many hermit crabs crawling~~~
it's not dry up, but low tide.
can u see wat plane is tt?
Under e scotching hot sun~~~
OVER THERE!haha! come there are only 13 shadows?shld be 15.wat hppen to anth two?ooppss=X
we tot it would be cooling inside(air-conditoned).felt so cheated!LOL!ha!
a very last grp peek of 2b08=)
tt's all for e ubni trip aft chewawa.some of us gotta leave~~~
One for ALL.ALL for one!Hence,we went back as a class!
haha!Shafiq comfortably lying against ShuLing's head!
Shu Ling is a SUPER DUPER cute gal!MUACKZ!
On e whole, 2b08's FIRST outing was a SUCCESS!
Thanks to all oragnisers, include shafiq(our chairperson) xin loon(social welfare), and all 2B08-ers who made it for this outing. I truly enjoyed myself in this lil kampongy. It's not about e place, but e people you are with!
as for those who cun make it, it's okie!Coz there's owaes a next time!=)
I can predict tt i will have a hard time climbing outta my comfy bed tmr.LOL!haha!
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