breathe thru your nose!
the reason why youngsters died of heart attack when or right after the exercise is tt e virus enters the heart instead going to the windpipe then to the lungs.This happens when they breathe thru their mouth when exercising. Hence, the virus strikes directly to the heart which results in heart attack. if the virus gets into th windpipe, it might not take away their life tt fast.
jie,we are here for you...
sinni jie jie,
must keep on fighting bravely....
you are not the only soldier in the war...
many people who love you deeply are outside...
your family n friends., jia xiang....
n we are always there...
just for you...
you are nv alone...
i noe you can hear us...
didn't you give me a feeble nod today when i told you tt i dreamt abt you n w no tubes on you n you said thank you to us...
i want it to come true...
really wants...
i noe there are lots of pain in you tt we cun share....
but hang on there...
after the rain there will be sun...
when the sun ray meets the raindrop...
there will be rainbow...
sinni jie jie...
you are always a strong gal...
who nv gives up...
lots of future plans tt you wanna carry out...
a trip to japan..
spending more time w us...
start a family w jia xiang....
everything will be the same once you get well...
like wat i promise you..
i won't cry...
coz i noe you'll e fine...
we'll have our family gatherings on e weekends as usual...
movie on weekdays....
whole group of cousins going to sentosa...
washing dishes tgt..
i love doing e dishes wyou...alot..
but this time i'l washh n you'll soap...
who ask you owaes complain tt i didn't soap them well...
drinking or maybe i should say eating milo powder.....
go overseas w our whole family....
your laughter n your smile....
i miss them so much...
so jie...
we'll wait for you to get well...
we love you.
must keep on fighting bravely....
you are not the only soldier in the war...
many people who love you deeply are outside...
your family n friends., jia xiang....
n we are always there...
just for you...
you are nv alone...
i noe you can hear us...
didn't you give me a feeble nod today when i told you tt i dreamt abt you n w no tubes on you n you said thank you to us...
i want it to come true...
really wants...
i noe there are lots of pain in you tt we cun share....
but hang on there...
after the rain there will be sun...
when the sun ray meets the raindrop...
there will be rainbow...
sinni jie jie...
you are always a strong gal...
who nv gives up...
lots of future plans tt you wanna carry out...
a trip to japan..
spending more time w us...
start a family w jia xiang....
everything will be the same once you get well...
like wat i promise you..
i won't cry...
coz i noe you'll e fine...
we'll have our family gatherings on e weekends as usual...
movie on weekdays....
whole group of cousins going to sentosa...
washing dishes tgt..
i love doing e dishes wyou...alot..
but this time i'l washh n you'll soap...
who ask you owaes complain tt i didn't soap them well...
drinking or maybe i should say eating milo powder.....
go overseas w our whole family....
your laughter n your smile....
i miss them so much...
so jie...
we'll wait for you to get well...
we love you.
nails serperated w my flesh=(
I guess it's because i pull e string to hard n my flesh was separated from my nail=(
it's not my whole flesh but just a bit only...so not tt bad lah=D
looks stupid? i noe!

when i was trying to remove e fastener, the metal thing poke into my finger!ahhh!ya!the injured one!so, tt's why i need the plaster to protect stuffs tt hurt it further....
qiu, bandaged it for me=*)
qiu n i went healthy today=Dso are we for tmr!
this was qiu's lunch!tuna, cheese n tomatoes....

this was mine=D
ham n cheese plus tomatoes...

yesh!we eat HEALTHY n we SAVE!

Here sre some UGLY pictures of me!why am i so nice to share?coz i'm owaes nice=)

dust do collates n it needs to be get rid off....

it's pretty difficult to look for ugly pictures of me, it takes lots of effort to be ugly...
you noe!

wat?you say i go big nose?
ya!i do have!Chinese people belive tt people who got big nose are people who prosper k!
so, i'm proud of it!
oh ya!today, qiu n i met yukai.
Tmr we are going to meet jas aft work at bujis for lunch!!!!
it's not my whole flesh but just a bit only...so not tt bad lah=D
looks stupid? i noe!

when i was trying to remove e fastener, the metal thing poke into my finger!ahhh!ya!the injured one!so, tt's why i need the plaster to protect stuffs tt hurt it further....
qiu, bandaged it for me=*)
qiu n i went healthy today=Dso are we for tmr!
this was qiu's lunch!tuna, cheese n tomatoes....

this was mine=D
ham n cheese plus tomatoes...

yesh!we eat HEALTHY n we SAVE!

Here sre some UGLY pictures of me!why am i so nice to share?coz i'm owaes nice=)

dust do collates n it needs to be get rid off....

it's pretty difficult to look for ugly pictures of me, it takes lots of effort to be ugly...
you noe!

wat?you say i go big nose?
ya!i do have!Chinese people belive tt people who got big nose are people who prosper k!
so, i'm proud of it!
oh ya!today, qiu n i met yukai.
Tmr we are going to meet jas aft work at bujis for lunch!!!!
"thx" kor!
kor told me tt he couldn't book chalet for us(4As). coz if we book it on fri, he needs to check in for us.but, he's working.so....ya!i'm so sorry abt it dears=(my kor sometimes juz not functioning well.)eventhough, he's a nice lad.my kor ma=D
Still, feels bad abt it!dun worry!we'll discuss again n c wat can we do to meet up!maybe we can book e downtown east one or something else?we'll c how=Dhooking it or crooking it we'll definitely meet up=D
Oh ya!today, i spend on nothing except for my transport fees.muhahaha!
Why?ha!nineth floor had an open ceremony so they provide buffet.yahoo!they had a theartre n it was showing TRANSFORMERS!we didn't watch e whole movie coz we gotta work!ya!work n work n work!although it's tiring, but thinking of getting the money alone, it burns away all e tiredness in me=D2 weeks n 4 more days to go!
aft getting my pay, this is how i'm gonna spend it....
momi n papa=$300*each $150
popo n yima=$200*each $100
eating a big feast *sinful one*=)
shop shop shop!!!!
-nice big tees, jeannies,baggies??
-a new wallet ocz e current one spoiled le.no wonder so poor coz all my money flow out....
-need a hp phone pouch for my phone,it's getting lots of scratches on it'd front n back...
treat e big family a meal...
e rest i shall save save n save=D
oh ya!talking abt e stuffs in my bag, it's getting so black.my hp is black, my mp4 is black,my water bottle is black, my receipt holder is black, my spects are black....EVERYTHING is BLACK!where's my PURPLE!seriously, it's difficut to get nice purple stuffs!
i want my PURPLE=(
Still, feels bad abt it!dun worry!we'll discuss again n c wat can we do to meet up!maybe we can book e downtown east one or something else?we'll c how=Dhooking it or crooking it we'll definitely meet up=D
Oh ya!today, i spend on nothing except for my transport fees.muhahaha!
Why?ha!nineth floor had an open ceremony so they provide buffet.yahoo!they had a theartre n it was showing TRANSFORMERS!we didn't watch e whole movie coz we gotta work!ya!work n work n work!although it's tiring, but thinking of getting the money alone, it burns away all e tiredness in me=D2 weeks n 4 more days to go!
aft getting my pay, this is how i'm gonna spend it....
momi n papa=$300*each $150
popo n yima=$200*each $100
eating a big feast *sinful one*=)
shop shop shop!!!!
-nice big tees, jeannies,baggies??
-a new wallet ocz e current one spoiled le.no wonder so poor coz all my money flow out....
-need a hp phone pouch for my phone,it's getting lots of scratches on it'd front n back...
treat e big family a meal...
e rest i shall save save n save=D
oh ya!talking abt e stuffs in my bag, it's getting so black.my hp is black, my mp4 is black,my water bottle is black, my receipt holder is black, my spects are black....EVERYTHING is BLACK!where's my PURPLE!seriously, it's difficut to get nice purple stuffs!
i want my PURPLE=(
some videos to share
i know e quality was pretty bad but juz wanna share this w you guys!
This is the custard bun=)there is this part where i was filming nothing coz i was busy eating....
drooling huh?wipe your saliva ba!haha!
i've been readung for the whole morning=)


Lilian jie je called us out for lunch at vivo city!

We waited for popo who was participating some senior citizens programms.In the end, she didn't joined us coz she was enjoying herself there. Thus, only yima followed us!
Hardworking momi dun wanna drive.We were in e silver cab=)There goes her $8.60!*cab fare*


Lilian jie je called us out for lunch at vivo city!

We waited for popo who was participating some senior citizens programms.In the end, she didn't joined us coz she was enjoying herself there. Thus, only yima followed us!
Hardworking momi dun wanna drive.We were in e silver cab=)There goes her $8.60!*cab fare*
my NEW hobby!
I'm collecting all these metal boxes sweets now!it's bit difficult to collect them as not a lot of places are selling this type of sweets. There are a few more boxes w my momi.Hope can collect different designs one!I managed to find them in cold storage n a jap market at the central!

I bought the kitty n doraemon on from e central=)i bought 2 hello kitty!anth is for?well..you know!haha!
I'm gonna hunt for more of them!haha!

I bought the kitty n doraemon on from e central=)i bought 2 hello kitty!anth is for?well..you know!haha!
I'm gonna hunt for more of them!haha!
eee ba eee ba!under nei under nei!
Still rmb e mexican mousewhich always goes ard saying 'ee ba ee ba under nei nei'?
Haha!Our family (except kor who is on his way back from malaysia), popo, yima, peiyi, laiwan jiejie, fabian kor kor n lilian jiejie went to this MEXICAN RESTAURANT N BAR for dinner!This restaurant is located at Orchard Parade Hotel.

Virgin margarita (strawberry n kiwi)
their kiwi is very refreshing!

I love e salt on thhe rim of e glass=)lick it babe!

WOW!look at wat's on lilian jiejie's hand?such a BIG glass can!


oh man!look at the CHEESE!this is the SUPER duper HOT green chili!



Theyare Laiwan piao jie n fabian kor kor!

She had difficulty driving le because of her swollen legs...she lah!drink so much water.Normal human being drink 2 litres a day.this pregnant lady?4 litres ed!no wonder her legs are so swollen!WATER RETENTION!jie ah!aiyo...I feel e pain man!
take care ah!=)
Haha!Our family (except kor who is on his way back from malaysia), popo, yima, peiyi, laiwan jiejie, fabian kor kor n lilian jiejie went to this MEXICAN RESTAURANT N BAR for dinner!This restaurant is located at Orchard Parade Hotel.

Virgin margarita (strawberry n kiwi)
their kiwi is very refreshing!

I love e salt on thhe rim of e glass=)lick it babe!

WOW!look at wat's on lilian jiejie's hand?such a BIG glass can!


oh man!look at the CHEESE!this is the SUPER duper HOT green chili!



Theyare Laiwan piao jie n fabian kor kor!

She had difficulty driving le because of her swollen legs...she lah!drink so much water.Normal human being drink 2 litres a day.this pregnant lady?4 litres ed!no wonder her legs are so swollen!WATER RETENTION!jie ah!aiyo...I feel e pain man!
take care ah!=)
so not coincidence pls!
Today's statistic:986 files
Our target was 1000.ha!a bit impossible ah?coz these 986 files almost drive us crazy le!
Wat makes thing worse is that we only had cup noodles for our lunch.We were really hungry n tired but there isn't any time tt allows us to take 5. With our wobbly legs n hands, qiu n i went to meet e BEES at THE CENTRAL!=D
The first thing we did when we step into the mall was to buy A1 curry puffs to stop our stomachs from growling.Poor stomach!N we met the rest outside Charles n Keith. who are e rest?Well, they are shin, cat, von, qiu n me=)
We had our dinner at Coffee Club.They certainly owed us a membership card lol!we r their regular customers=Dwahaha!
While waiting for our food to arrive, i was playing w e spoon(back of it), using it as a mirror.
n know wat i realised?i looked like moomoo la!I was thinking,"eh!i looked like someone!"
Then, i keep laughing. I asked other gals to look n they said tt i looked a bit like him.haha!
Von tried to help me took a photo coz i wanna show it to ah joan. Sadly, it looks different in e phone's cam.=(I guess it's bcoz of my hair ba?haha!i actually looked like a guy!This is so hilarious!
Joan!i'll show u e nxt time!

yay!the food is finally here!
This is their garlic prawn pasta!I love their prawns n they gave lots of tomatoes too!ya!so it's pretty healthy!yummy!

With the RIGHT people, it makes the food even more delicious!
*sorry gals, i noe it's a bit shaky...but my phone's cam had oleadi tried its best.=)
frm your right:shin cat von me qiu

n guess who we saw?

Hahaha!miss liu n miss heng!We were so surprised n e grp of us became very loud!*we are owaes loud=D*They were very embarrassed.you can imagined right?our reactions?coz we were really happy to c them in Coffee club!Lovable teachers=)they chose a table super far frm us.haha!
Every time we meet up, we are owaes talking about the past.Although life keeps moving on, sometimes we will still look back on the things we've done.This are called MEMORIES!They are the "thing" that lives on with us.Ni'm really happy to have them.It's never boring to talk abt it, we actually enjoy n love doing it.Always full of laughters n tears.=)
THIs was some time ago....
This is e place where e national day parade 2007 was held...cun rmb the name....
n we are at some riverside..

It was super crowded tt day due to e fireworks festival...

one n only successful one=)

There are still lots of people tt i wanna meet up!My dearest 4A n 4A's babes^^
Our target was 1000.ha!a bit impossible ah?coz these 986 files almost drive us crazy le!
Wat makes thing worse is that we only had cup noodles for our lunch.We were really hungry n tired but there isn't any time tt allows us to take 5. With our wobbly legs n hands, qiu n i went to meet e BEES at THE CENTRAL!=D
The first thing we did when we step into the mall was to buy A1 curry puffs to stop our stomachs from growling.Poor stomach!N we met the rest outside Charles n Keith. who are e rest?Well, they are shin, cat, von, qiu n me=)
We had our dinner at Coffee Club.They certainly owed us a membership card lol!we r their regular customers=Dwahaha!
While waiting for our food to arrive, i was playing w e spoon(back of it), using it as a mirror.
n know wat i realised?i looked like moomoo la!I was thinking,"eh!i looked like someone!"
Then, i keep laughing. I asked other gals to look n they said tt i looked a bit like him.haha!
Von tried to help me took a photo coz i wanna show it to ah joan. Sadly, it looks different in e phone's cam.=(I guess it's bcoz of my hair ba?haha!i actually looked like a guy!This is so hilarious!
Joan!i'll show u e nxt time!

yay!the food is finally here!
This is their garlic prawn pasta!I love their prawns n they gave lots of tomatoes too!ya!so it's pretty healthy!yummy!

With the RIGHT people, it makes the food even more delicious!
*sorry gals, i noe it's a bit shaky...but my phone's cam had oleadi tried its best.=)
frm your right:shin cat von me qiu

n guess who we saw?

Hahaha!miss liu n miss heng!We were so surprised n e grp of us became very loud!*we are owaes loud=D*They were very embarrassed.you can imagined right?our reactions?coz we were really happy to c them in Coffee club!Lovable teachers=)they chose a table super far frm us.haha!
Every time we meet up, we are owaes talking about the past.Although life keeps moving on, sometimes we will still look back on the things we've done.This are called MEMORIES!They are the "thing" that lives on with us.Ni'm really happy to have them.It's never boring to talk abt it, we actually enjoy n love doing it.Always full of laughters n tears.=)
THIs was some time ago....
This is e place where e national day parade 2007 was held...cun rmb the name....
n we are at some riverside..

It was super crowded tt day due to e fireworks festival...

one n only successful one=)

There are still lots of people tt i wanna meet up!My dearest 4A n 4A's babes^^
sorry!it's them agin=*)
can anyone dun noticed them?i cun=)

superstars seating on e grass eating their lunch....

oh ya!they were in paris...

cutie mickey!

he must be really tired...

jae joong wear more clothes..dun catch a cold!

Dun you tink he looks like e guy in final fantasy?
can i seat at e back of your bike?

darling's time=D

He will look hundred times more suai in our wedding=D

SInce qiu n i are BEST FRIENDS, they are BEST FRIENDS too!

=)credits to qiu!

superstars seating on e grass eating their lunch....

oh ya!they were in paris...

cutie mickey!

he must be really tired...

jae joong wear more clothes..dun catch a cold!

Dun you tink he looks like e guy in final fantasy?
can i seat at e back of your bike?

darling's time=D

He will look hundred times more suai in our wedding=D

SInce qiu n i are BEST FRIENDS, they are BEST FRIENDS too!

=)credits to qiu!
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