School can still be full of laughters with people like...
gAn=)I think he was late today so he didn't do his hair n it was lik tt.He has natural curl oh!so CUTE rite?he can simply sit there and i can keep on laughing...definitely not because of his physical appearance or watso ever.He's just a funny guy!

KFC for lunch?ya!SINFUL rite!ytd 16 laps of swimming all went down to the drain.Wat makes it worse is tat i ate 11 pkts of chilli=)haha!I'm HOT k!Well, i guess i just have to swim more!

Lunch was with 1B13.After that went to meet my dearie jassie in the library=D
k-pop-ed during break=P

Jassie left earlier with her friends for lec.So i went to find marie n gals who were in the same lvl as us^^
And naughty marie showed me this!FASHION 2001!*found in tp's library!*

The book's pictures shock-ed me!

After tt, we got horny=o=
we shared!

aNeways guys dun think dirty k?it's really art^^
After the 3 ours of break, it's time for miCroo lec lol -0_0-wear my specs n study hard!
Oh ya!lily never come to school with QQ?haha!
boring marie n me were selfy cam-whoring...hmmm...since it's not rite to say during lecture, then it's taken during "break"time=P

cute marie "CRACKING" her brains super hard!!!!i'm copying really hard!

we DO listen=D

after lec, i went to library to do microo's tutorial while waiting for jassie.

Our pretty lady driver (*ahem* my mom lah^^) drove us home=)
thx momi!transport fees SAVED=D
Sinni jie jie will be discharge frm hospital tmr!hip hip hooray!
yunho's guardian cheonsa is off! bye^^
haha.. gal.. STUDY!
yesh!studying really hard!haha!
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