Since ytd was the P n L(pay n last) day, we had our farewell dinner aft work w Joanne. Supposedly, Bryan said tt he would be joining us but in the end he said that he had a date on that day. Bryan is a guy in his late 20s BUT BUT BUT he is pretty GOODLOOKING!And and and he got build one eh....ooohhh...droooling!!!N noe wat!He got a very soft voice,it might sound a bit gayish for many of you but he's gentle to us=)Whenever he smiles, you will like "oh!i got shot!"haha!He looks a bit like 4A's daaddy=)hmmm,Shall not tok abt him further, it willl only hurt me more coz he's like got someone else i his heart le..=( haha!!!
Qiu n i were unwell tt day.Qiu's was more serious tha me. For me, it was juz a normal cold. Coz office was too cod, i was lazy to bring my jacket out ytd coz it was e L day n it's quite troublesome to bring it out for dinner. Hence, it was left at home. I was shivering n i went down to lvl 2 to get a cup of super hot milo n i drank it real fast while it's hot.later, i felt much more warmer.YA!pls!really much more warmer!I felt like the hot milo was bunrning my organs.See1That's how i got a cold n i was a bit feverish aft tt. Evenso, we still went for the dinner.*I'm fine now!i'm wanqi eh!!!Strong n NOT weak!!!*

Ooohhh!my hair!shuai ???i like!

Alright man!dinner time!This restaurant is at a very wooloo place, the Shaw at bujis.

Alright man!dinner time!This restaurant is at a very wooloo place, the Shaw at bujis.

The dinner set meal cost $15.20.
It comes with a drink....
ytd on was mushroom....can feel the mushroom bits.hmmm!!!

While waiting for the main course....
Seafood Alfredo!!!yum yum!!
If you like cream sauce n prefer something lighter than carbonara,this is a good choice!!
Look at my gigantic.Dam big n fresh k!haha!It show the size of qiu's n i.

Here comes the FINALE......

After dinner, she walked all the way frombujis to esplanadeto meet her husband.The rest of us walked walked ard at buijs.
Gals went shopping, boys went to phone shop.
Qiu n i didn't really shop for too long coz we were sicky n tired. we tried to shop for longer time, but we got really restless. Whenever we dunno where to shop we would turn up to be in COLD STORAGE>haha!!!that time when we met jas, we oso end up in cold storage.haha!!!
Luckily, we had a driver tt day tt sent us home.TIRED!
when i reached home, just outside the door, i can sense that the house is empty.Can you guys sense tt?whether the house is full of your famiy members or empty?i can.Sick n empty.
you can choose ice-cream, brownie w ice-cream or crumble w ice-cream.
HAHA!!!mine is melting ice-cream on hot brownie!!!hmmm...the brownie wasn't realli hot, it's warm. Still nice though!=D
Rating stars:****
the one in blue is joanne=)there are lots of things that we can learn from her, her attitude towards life or at work.She got a very bubbly character too!She travels to lots of country before.envy rite?THX joanne!!!

After dinner, she walked all the way frombujis to esplanadeto meet her husband.The rest of us walked walked ard at buijs.
Later, boys n gals were seperated.
Gals went shopping, boys went to phone shop.
We shall this cute little doll.

Qiu n i didn't really shop for too long coz we were sicky n tired. we tried to shop for longer time, but we got really restless. Whenever we dunno where to shop we would turn up to be in COLD STORAGE>haha!!!that time when we met jas, we oso end up in cold storage.haha!!!
Luckily, we had a driver tt day tt sent us home.TIRED!

when i reached home, just outside the door, i can sense that the house is empty.Can you guys sense tt?whether the house is full of your famiy members or empty?i can.Sick n empty.
Momi came home n brought good news back!!!Jiejie had finally transferred to normal ward le!!!HIPPY YEA!!!Pill really helps.N i slept.I'm fine now=D
will be visiting sinni jie jie later=)
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