Oh yA!Hope marie will be fine.no no no---she'll WILL BE FINE^^
aNeways,meeting adjourned and it's DINNER TIME.We got a nice driver to drive us down to katong to dine at MS CLARITY=D
char char n lily^^

We were playing with the figurine on that table.Lonely me.kaka!this is my habit.If there are 3 of us, i'll let my friends seat together.i dunno why but i'll feel better this way.^^*take noteof the hand behind me*

soup of the day=onion soup!
I love the soup!i;m missing my onion bag too----

this is heavenly good!garlic scallops!
If you eat the rice in the middle of the plate, confirm gotta go for kidney dialysis la!.kaka!

here's my main course=prime sirloin=at the price of $15.80
to make it a set will be an additional of 3 bucks with soup, drinks and dessert of the day=D

The people seating at the table behind us, we suspected that they were the bosses of MS CLARITY.Charmain wink-ed at me a few times and i was thinking "ya!maybe they are".
When we were eating, this guy seating behind us suddenly turned his head back and asked us "how's the food here?"I turned and looked at him.I was shocked and i shouted a bit.He was shocked too by the shocked me.
Any idea who we saw?
It was Pan Ling Ling's husband.A bit sad huh?I cun remember his name.oooppsss!sorry.Izzit Zhen Ge Ping?Hmm.I'm not too sure.But i was really shocked la.The minute i turned back i saw his face.I did apologized coz i feel so bad for giving him a shocked face.But, he was quite nice.I thought he was quite good looking.Clean clean face, tall tall one, got a bit build there, talk to us very nicely too.Also, got a very comfortable voice.We continued eating after that.
When we almost finish our food, he turned and said"eh!Eat so fast ah?"
Then i replied,"ya!you never eat ah?"
Noe what he said?"Not eating.Too poor to eat!Looking for a job here."
And we laughed!HAHA!Such a nice man.He looks like a good father.
Oh ya!We saw jezreel and alice too!^^
Crossing over to buy MUNCHY DONUTS^^

qiqi,lily n char char=D

Nice eating dinner tgt gals!
I bought home two boxes of half a dozen doughnuts.! for popo and 1 for my family.
Char char and i took a bus home tgt.We were talking about today never noe tmr stuffs.She alighted at paya lebar.I was still on the bus that will never reached my house bus-stop, bus 135.I just happily aboard the bus with char char.haiz---
Hence, i gotta to walk to anth bus-stop.Before i reached that bus-stop, i saw a bus coming(thinking that all buses there go straight to my house)*as if ah!*.I quickly run ah.Thx god, got it on time.Although I was panting like some asthmatic patients,gasping for more oxygen, able to reach home faster it's still worth to run a bit faster.
However, it was not that fast after all.
When that bus was about to reach my bus-stop, it started to move further and further and further away from it.There it goes agian.SHIT! dumbo me.I was on bus 125 lol!heaven is playing a joke on me.
but but but----
things always happen for a reason.that's what i think to console myself.
And yes it did i guess!?!
I gotta pass popo their donuts anyway, so might as well, pass to them now.*125 stops at my popo's house, NOT MINE*I went to popo's house and----i see LIGHT!
Lilian jiejie was there.KAKA!She gave me a ride home after i played with adrienne for a lil while=DShe's super duper cute lol!MUACKZ!
awww!big big eyes of hers^^

I swear i wasn't he one that make her cry---

thx lilian jie jie for the ride!so nice of you^^
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