And as usual the guys were late.Poor poor me was alone waiting for the great gentlemen to arrive.Joeline was late coz she was rushing down after school.

wAkAKA!actually i was fine!wasn't angry tt they were late.I'm quite use to waiting=)wanqi eh!got high EQ!haha!
aNeways, whlie waiting for them, i was super amazed by this!
clear blue sky...

it started off with a "BOMB!" and then "PHEW!PHEW!" the water goes up!
I was liked "WOW!wow!WOW!" and this lady beside me was laughing at e wow-ing me!Later on, she herself took some photos with her phone too!haha!Influential^^

Joeline called me n she was stucked with this surveyed guy.She called me for help=)So, i went over.He started to asked me questions too.After a while, wei qiang came.The surveyor asked him a SUPER funny question that made jo and i broke into laughters!
he asked"Are you in NS?"
When da and ying liang reached, we headed to the SHAW TOWERS for dinner.
YA!We went to CREATION!my second time there^^
While waiting for tables....
It's peekuring time=P
The pictures are all from MOTOROLLA phone.There are more in wei qiang's sony ericson phone!MORE to COME!
jojo n me=D

"AHH!we want FOOD!"

When guys are boring, they game---
you da:"SHOOT ah!SHOOT ah!"

Finally, we got our seats=D
here comes the soup, this pic below show how hungry the guys were---

They almost ate the spoon too.I think they will if it's edible.
CARBONARA!creamy creamy----

they really served fantastic pastas!YUM YUM!
never forget this!the female actress, DESSERT!
apple crumble w ice-cream!=P

I'm glad that they liked the food there!It shows that i give good recommendations!muhahaha!

Was really super full aft that.We needa walked.
first station:visit the WILD lion!ROAR!

camera man for the day!

back to back n HEART to HEART!

let's welcome the CHARLES ANGELS!kaka!

next!we went to this--hmm okoie, i shall call it the CAVE since i dunno where this place is=D
da as like monkey running up n down lol!wakaka!with his long legs and hands!

the cavemen^^

trying to do his break dance?!?+O+

then,welcome to FULLERTON HOTEL!!
i love the merry-go-round door!I always love to play with it when i wasyoung
this is the toilet=D

On our way to clark quay--0
i kissed this man---

here we are at our FINAL DESTINATION:clark quay!
CRAZY us decided to take the GMAX!AHHHH!!!you will feel like screaming before you seat on that metal ball lol!!
IT WAS FREAKING COOL LAH!anther time please!

Its a bit ex though.HAhA!it's worth it lah!The min the metal ball springs up you can really feel that the money is flying away but good value.It's difficult to explain the's a bit of flying in the sky and jumping from a building,aNeways, it's freaking SHUANG!so COOL can!i love it!we took a video too!it's with wei qiang^^
after the ride, i gotta rushed home in a cab with wei qiang!It was really late.But momi didn't scold me so i was super duper HAPPY!
had great fun today!
will blog more about it tmr!kor's complaining!
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