It's nothing bad but just to support the LIBRARY OPENING HOUSE.see1uncle so smart!still noe how to pull customers.Even though, he did a right choice.I'm quite bad at saying NO.So i bought this.
you think that it's a cinamonroll?

you are wrong!
it''s cupcake!hmm.what's e difference between cupcakes n muffins?
aneways,it supposed to look much more better than this.It was squashed by me in my that greenish baggie.

I love the sugar thing on top=D so sweet but yet not too sweet.The muffin that geraldine gave it to me was much more SWEETER till it melts my heart=)wakaka!saw geraldine today!geraldine did said hi but geraldine was like in s rush to somewhere else...but it's okie!seeing geraldine is good enuf make me happy for the day!HIPPY YEA!
DOR is a MYUK freak!These are all the MYUK stuffs that she owned or maybe even never noe!haha!

i'm meeting the CPeeps later at bujis!so gotta bath now!
jung's cheonsa says BYE!
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