*poor yunho standing at the back=(*
anewawys, it's better for him not to dance alot too since he was injured.
this was what he said during the concert"Don't worry everyone, I'm alright, as long as I'm with all of you, I won't hurt anymore."
oh so sweet right!


my dearest yunho=D

look at his white teeth!

hmmm.his teary eyes....
are you in pain dear?

i always love his SMILE!

jaeho are holding hands.so SWEET!

the tees that they are wearing are tees that they designed themselves!

haha!cute mickey!

xiah dancing in the rain!

DUN BLEED people!Look at his CHEST!see!tt's wat i meant tt he's someone that you can rely on=Pdun stare at him for too long k?shy shy..

ya!i "was there" for the concert.
haha!the photos below are not the concerts one....
meah meah xiah

tweeze!our son!

doesn't he look like some bizman?haha!

FUNNY yunho!i feel so guilty for posting this.but it's really funny!wakakak!
yunho, mi an ne

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